Ancient of Days, Part 43

Broadsides at Dawn

Her decks cleared for action, her broadsides loaded, the Reckoning leaps forward across the shallow green sea. To port is the rugged coastline of the Dragha's isle, densely wooded and barely visible in the pre-dawn light. The sunrise is no more than an hour away. The spring wind blows gently towards the isle, coiling and uncoiling the dawn mist...but the great ship rides the breeze nimbly, rounding the isle's sharp curve and then straight on.

Off her port bow, at 11 o'clock, comes the Firewing, her own sails bellying with the breeze. Archers stand just behind Captain Draco, nocking arrows to bows. The larger pirate vessel, although damaged in the recent brawl with the Reckoning some weeks back, has hastily repaired and has fully loaded scorpions jutting from both her sides. Both ships will be in firing range in moments.

Just behind the Firewing, trailing a bow shot back, is the merchanter Renegade, Tol Nedrans crowding her decks, less ready than the Firewing, with only two scorpions on each side. Because of the angle of the oncoming vessels, the Firewing blocks fire on the smaller, faster merchant vessel, obscuring your view of her.

Rhyll tells Baj: "Prepare the crew for battle. Well try and keep the Firewing between us and the Tol Nedran ship."

Baj says, "Aye, Captain. The crew is ready."

Revas has the wheel locked in a death grip as the ships close range. You can't remember when last you saw the old man sleep. Your vessels are headed straight for one another, stern on. The Firewing will pass on your port side, and you will pass on theirs as well.

Prilehn's archers stand ready on the deck, arrows in neat bundles before them.

Baj calls up into the masts, "Stand ready, Mister Erris! Be sharp on your changes and keep the rigging clear!"

Rhyll says, "Master Almira,  I want you to set fire to the Firewings sails and prevent them from doing the same to ours. What say you?"

Almira says, "The first may be easier than the second, captain, as you well know."

Rhyll says, "This is understood Master Wizard, do your best."

Dacien moves among the scorpion crews, "Ready, lads, we'll gut those bastards and take home the wyrm's gold, sure as the Warrior looks over us."

The scorpion crews grin and cheer as Dacien encourages them. "Just point us at ol'Draco, Mr Dacien!" says Pulg, a young Sarrik lad.

Dacien pokes Pulg in the ribs, "Ye can have Draco, lads, just save that big, green bastard for me."

Young Pulg grins at Dacien and nods.

Erris, nimble as an ape, swings into the mizzentops.

Benning crouches next to Talon. "Your knives are prepared, Mister Talon?" he asks.

Talon nods and says, "Yes and not just my surgical ones either."

Benning nods. "The butcher's bill for this battle is bound to be high."

Baj says, "Mister Benning, perhaps a blessing from the Lady would be appropriate for the occasion?"

Talon says, "This promises to be a bloodly battle I'd wager."

Raven says to Rhyll, "Don't get too close to the Nedri, sir. The Vorghol...they're fierce in a fight. If your men haven't battled such...there's bound to be waverin'."

Rhyll says, "I concur,  Raven. Is it true what they say about the Vorghol hating the sun?"

Benning rises, bowing his head. Some of the more devout, like Ferlan and Farlan, also bow their heads. "Great Lady...protect us this day and give the righteous the strength to do your will." He lifts his hands, and they shine out in the darkness, a soft warming light coruscating over the heads of the crew.

Baj says, "Perhaps the wizard's second volley should be in that direction, Captain? Set the merchants' sails afire and those lubbers will be too busy to fight. What think you, Mister Raven?"

Rhyll says, "Master Wizard,  can you reach the Nedri ship as well?"

Almira gestures. "But the Firewing's bulk stands between us, sir."

Raven nods to Rhyll. "So it's said. I never saw them come into the sunlight." Then he fixes on his sea-saber and takes his place near Candra.

Baj leans close to Almira and explains the flanking maneuver that the Reckoning will attempt.

Almira nods. "I have two fireball spells this day. A wise tactic on your part, Baj Mirko. I am quite in approval."

Baj bows a sharp bow to the wizard, "A gracious compliment from one such as yourself, Master Wizard."

Dacien calls down the ladder into the hold, "Oojif! Be quick about your duties, if we have a chance to shoot, I don't want t'be launching air at 'em."

Ferlan calls up, "Port scorpions ready, Mister Dacien!"

Dacien calls up to the main deck, "Port side, all ready, Captain!" He turns back to Farlan, "Get those starboard weapons ready, lad, ye know how the cap'n and the first mate like to toss her about in a fight."

Rhyll turns to Baj and says, "Mister Mirko give the order to fire once we are in range."

Baj says, "Aye, Captain! Full broadside as we pass!"  Baj turns and places a hand on Revas' shoulder:  "Be ready for a sharp turn as we pass the Firewing, Mister Rivas. Spin her about the mainmast and pull in behind that tub and the fight will be ours."

Revas calls, "Aye, sir! We'll turn hard to port and come 'round behind her!"

Baj says, "Master Almira, coordinate with Mister Revas to make sure you have your best opportunity to attack."

Talon inspects all his blades as he moves to join the marines.

Baj moves forward to the railing and yells down to the scorpion deck, "Mister Nettlburr, full port broadside as we pass! Fire for effect!"

Dacien calls back, "Aye, sir! Full portside as we pass!"

The sea rocks gently, up and down, as both ships come on. Draco's booming voice is heard as he bellows, "Port side! Fiiiire!"

The enemy fires on the roll, loosing a barrage one after the other, as her archers also fire a deadly volley through the air. The storm of whistling arrows comes arcing high over the seas,.

Two massive bolts slam into the Reckoning's port side with a thunderous clatter, holing her just above the waterline.

The Firewing's archery volley goes wide, landing harmlessly in the drink on the far side of the Reckoning. Across the gap, Draco can be seen bashing the lead archer in the head with his walking stick.

Rhyll moves to the rail of the ship and yells to his crew, "Give back to them double lads! Lets show old Draco what the Reckoning is made of!"

Baj says, "Prilehn! Take charge of your archers and fire at will!"

Prilehn's archers return fire, sending their own deadly volley back at the Firewing.

As the Firewing's bolts slam into the Reckoning, Dacien yells out to his well seasoned crews, "Fire!" The Reckoning's salvo of bolts lance into the oaken flank of the Firewing, opening up gaps in her side.

As the last bolt flies free, Baj calls to Revas, "Steady on, Mister Revas! Wait for the command!"

Ferlan staggers up the ladder, blood running down his face. He staggers forward towards Baj. "Mister...Mirko. Terrible wounds, sir..." Then he collapses at the first mate's feet, blood pooling on the deck.

Dacien yells at his crews below decks, "Reload, lads, be quick about it!"

Across the distance, Draco staggers back and falls. His crew crowd around him, hurriedly, his fate uncertain from here.

Baj pulls Ferlan's bloodied body to the starboard side railing as he yells out, "Mister Benning!"

Rhyll sees Ferlan and yells, "Mister Benning topside, and hurry!"

Baj moves quickly to the after railing and takes aim on the Firewing's helmsman with the small scorpion.

Below decks, Dacien tosses a bucket of sand across the deck to give traction on the bloody wood,  and moves to take Ferlan's place.

In the foc'sle, Almira lifts his arms like some great white sea bird. His eyes turn red as he throws his hands forward, roaring in Dhaziri. A lance of light leaves his hands and spits across the sea towards the Firewing. Almira's  fireball explodes just above the waterline, amidships, sending blazing fragments scattering across the enemy deck. Her crew hurry to pour water on the blaze to put it out.

Baj's bolt, fired on the uproll, slams into the side of the Firewing and shatters there.

Benning stoops over Ferlan. "Talon. See to the men below! This is not his blood!"

Cries and moans issue from the weapon deck.

As Baj looses his bolt, he calls to Revas, "Now, Mister Revas! Hard to port!"

The two ships, now empty on the port side, hurry to reload as the range closes. The Firewing still screens the Renegade from attack.  They are within arrow range now, but their scorpions are unable to fire.

Talon slithers down the ladder, below decks to see what damage has been wreaked.

Dacien heaves injured crewmen out of the way as the remaining crews move about reloading their weapons.

The weapon deck is rank with the smell 0f blood. Talon nearly slips in a pool of it as he makes his way to the scorpions on the port side.

Pulg, the young Sarrik lad, leans against his weapon, very still, eyes open. His weapon is a wreck, the great cord snapped clean and bisecting the young man's body. Deep red blood covers the young man's hips, thighs and ankles.

Pulg seems to notice Dacien near for the first time. "Did we get 'em, Mister Dacien?" he asks, choking.

Talon quickly checks the young man's vitals to see if there is anything he can do.

Dacien graps the younsters hand, "Ye sure did, lad! Scared old Draco out of his pants we did! You hang tough, Talon'll fix ye up good as new."

Pulg is about to speak, opens his mouth, then is still. He slumps on Talon.

Dacien releases the young man's limp hand and turns back to help the other injured men.

Talon bends down and gently lifts the boy up then says to Dacien, "I'll take him up to Mister Benning. There's nothing I can do for him now."

Dacien quickly surveys the damage. #4 port scorpion is out of action.

Dacien grabs the dead man's arm and snaps at Talon, "He's dead! There's others here that need yer help, man! Time for burials and kind words later. If we live."

The Reckoning wheels hard to port, bringing her weapons to bear. The deck lists hard to port, forcing the crew to grip or tread carefully.

Baj calls to Prilehn, "Archers, keep firing as long as they are in range! Keep their heads down!"

The Firewing draws away, trying to bring her other flank to bear. She forges ahead through the green sea. The Renegade trails in the larger ship's wake, still out of range of the Reckoning's scorpions.

Rhyll shouts, "Mister Revas,  back at the Firewing, I'm not letting Draco get away that easy!"

Baj yells down to the weapon deck, "Mister Nettleburr! Report, please!"

Revas calls back, wiping sea foam from his hair, "Aye, skip'r! She's answering!"

The three vessels are now out of weapon range as they draw apart, tendrils of morning mist curling about the vessels.

Dacien calls up the ladder well, "Two dead and more injured, one scorpion snapped its' cord!"

Benning joins Talon on the weapons deck, crewmen's blood staining his tattered white robe.

Baj moves back to the aft railing and heaves on the smaller scorpion there, readying it for action again.

Deeshon calls down, "Looks like Draco's still afloat, cap'n!"

Baj calls up to the masthead, "Aye, Mister Deeshon. Keep an eye out for that merchant as well."

Rhyll shouts back, "Aye. We're heading back for another go at her, Mister Deeshon!"

Tully, the Sarry sailor, pulls the damaged scorpion free of its port.

"She's a wreck, Mister Dacien," he reports.

Dacien nods, "Aye, lad. Leave it be fer now, help the crews reload the rest." He moves about the weapons deck snapping out orders and lending a hand where he can.

The ships wheel about, piling on sail, maneuvering for position. They find an angle and approach again as the battle continues.

Erris leaps to another yard, swinging a line into place and pulling it taut to help the ship turn.

Aboard the Renegade, the Tol Nedrans hunch down, uncertain how to behave in a sea fight.

Raven watches Rhyll closely, judging the young captain from afar and wondering what commands he'd make himself.

Draco is seen getting to his feet, and he gestures to his crew to motivate them.

Rhyll shouts to his crew, "Fire,  lads! Lets send the Firewing to the depths!"

The Reckoning looses a deadly volley into the port side of the I. One slams into a gaping hole in the side of the vessel and the ship rocks with the impact.

Tully and Ferlan, who fired the weapon, shout and cheer.

Dacien roars at the Firewing through an open port, "Take that ye bastards!"

A blast of scorpion bolts slams into the side of the Reckoning. Next to Baj, a bolt skewers a crewman through the midsection and he screams and topples into the sea.

The Firewing shoots past the bow of the Reckoning, wheeling hard to starboard.

The Renegade closes the range, her sails full of breeze.

Dacien runs about in a frenzy, "Reload quickly, lads! We've not won this one yet!"

Rhyll shouts to Revas, "Draco's trying to catch us between the Firewing and the Renegade. Let's have at the Nedri ship and show the fat man a thing or two!"

The Tol Nedrans panic as the Reckoning brings her broadside to bear. A tall swordsman on board orders his men to fire, his sword cutting the air. But the Renegade fires too early, on the roll, and their bolts sink without a trace.

Baj yells encouragement down to the scorpion crews, "Good work, mates! The Firewing's a goner! Now we go for the Dark Ones!"

Revas grips the wheel, and the ship leans left, the deck angling hard and threatening to topple some into the green.

"On your order Mister Mirko, lets sink the Nedries!" calls Rhyll.

Baj nods, "Aye, Captain. Port side ready!"

As the Renegade's attack splashes into the water, Baj calls to the crew, "Port side, fire!"

Timbers on the flank of the Renegade cave in, dumping some of her crew into the sea with noisy splashes and screams.

Next to Talon, Tully's weapon snaps in two, the weapon hurling itself out of the port. Tully is hurled up against a bulkhead, smashing his head and falling out cold.

Baj swivels his small scorpion into place and fires at the Renegade.  The Renegade's foremast collapses forward, with screams of terror from her crew. 

The smaller merchanter veers hard to avoid the pirates.

The two enemy vessels steer close, passing by  as the Reckoning wheels.

Dacien jump to Tully's aid, laying the young man on the deck and calling out,  "Mister Talon! Tully's hurt!"

Baj hauls back on the loading arm of his scorpion, making it ready for the next pass before turning his attention to the ship.

Talon runs over to handle the new emergency.

Rhyll shouts, "Fine shot Mister Mirko! Master Revas bring us arounnd for another attack on the Firewing."

Baj nods his thanks to Rhyll.

The three ships draw further apart, angling for a shot at one another.

Smoke and wreckage trail the enemy ships as they turn on the Reckoning.

The Renegade is maneuvering desperately, her deck canted at a steep angle. She looses a broadside, but the Renegade's volley of  bolts, poorly aimed, go wide.

The Reckoning wheels about and closes again on the injured Renegade. Baj calls down to the weapons deck, "Starboard side, fire!"

A deadly volley of scorpion bolts lance into the side of the Renegade. Her side shatters, timbers splashing, crew leaping over the side, her masts collapsing. The sinking vessel lists hard to port, her holds beginning to fill with water.

A cheer goes up on the Reckoning.

Baj relaxes for a second and releases his grip on the smaller scorpion.

Dacien cheers loudly and claps men on the back as the merchantman heads for the bottom.

Baj yells down to the weapons deck, "Reload on the quick and we can give the same to the Firewing!"

Rhyll calls out, "Good shooting, lads! Now let's go after the big fish. Mister Revas, to the Firewing if you please."

The Renegade's crew leap clear of the sinking vessel, as the Tol Nedran ship begins to founder.

Revas calls with a grin, "Aye, sir!"

The Firewing rounds hard to starboard, slashing through the green water as the Reckoning comes on.

Revas cries, "Look smartly, lads, here she comes!""

Behind the Reckoning, the merchanter Renegade lists hard to starboard as water fills her belly. Her crew, some pressed into service by the Vorghol outlaws, cling to the flotsam and attempt to prolong the inevitable. Cries ring out across the water, begging for mercy.

Raven says, "Many of those men in yon ship were Sarry conscripts, Captain Rhyll.."

Some of the Tol Nedran soldiers leap overboard from the sinking vessel, bearing wooden coffins.  They kick hard for the shore of the Dragha's craggy isle, a mile off, now visible as an outline against the northern horizon. Something like two score men are still alive over there.

Rhyll turns to Raven and says, "What would you have me do Mister Raven? We are in the midst of a battle!"

Seeing the drowning men, Baj calls to Rhyll, "By the time we get turned around, the Firewing will be on us. I think our best action is to finish the fight and then save whoever we can, Captain."

Raven says, "The Reckoning's your vessel, sir." Still, he seems not without compassion for those who used to serve under his command, however briefly.

Dacien drops to the deck like a monkey and bounces to Rhyll's side, "Captain, sir, I can cut loose a longboat and Mister Raven and I can go rescue some of them."

The Firewing slams forward, her starboard broadside now fully loaded. She is not injured on that side, and mounts a full seven scorpions. Draco himself can now be seen at her rail, his head bandaged.

Rhyll replies, "Once we deal with the Firewing we will swing by for survivors. It's the best we can do. I need all hands on board till then."

Dacien nods, "Aye-aye, Cap'n." He ducks back below decks and returns to managing the weapon crews among the blood and wreckage.

Below, alongside Talon, Tully bandaged and alert now, has cleared the ruined scorpion from the port. He points through the port at the oncoming Firewing. "I count seven of 'em aimed at us, Mister Talon."

Rhyll turns to Baj and says, "Are all our scorpions ready, Mister Mirko?"

Baj calls down to the weapon deck, "Mister Nettleburr! Weapon status, if you please!"

Talon spares a look from his grim task of helping the injured and says, "Lets' hope we do them more damage then they do us this time around."

Tully gives the high-sign to Dacien. "We're all ready, Mister Dacien!"

Dacien yells back, "Starboard side, 8 loaded and ready! Port side, 6 loaded and ready, two weapons destroyed!"

Revas wipes spray from his thinning hair. "Aye sir, steady on! She's answerin' true!"

The Firewing veers hard to starboard, into the 's path.

Baj points. “Amateurs on the Firewing, they turned too soon!”

Belowdecks, Vendig calls to Dacien from aft. He's grimy and soaked and looks bedraggled.  "Mister Dacien! Takin' on water in the bilge. That leak along the keel spring gave us trouble last winter, she sprung loose again!"

Dacien yells over the noice of the weapons deck, "Ayrn! Get your hammer and buckets down in that bilge! I'll not be sinking afore we send them lubbers to the bottom!"

Ayrn clambers down the ladder, looking red-eyed and forlorn. "Mister Otho, sir. He took an arrow, sir, he's dead."

Dacien gathers the survivors of the crews on the two damaged scorpions quickly as he turns to Ayrn, "Then you're the new ship's carpenter! Take these lads and get us in shape as best ye can. Move!"

Vendig swears. "The bloody thousand Nameless Ones.."

As the repair crew moves off, Dacien returns his attention to the weapons, 'Ready, lads! Here she comes!"

Ayrn shuffles after them, hammer and bucket in hand, daubing at his eyes.

"Mister Mirko!" Rhyll bellows. "Fire on the Firewing as she comes into range!"

The Reckoning leaves the Renegade behind, the pre-dawn darkness hiding what transpires in the sinking wreckage.

Draco's booming voice can be heard bellowing as the Firewing closes. Out of the darkness, three bolts slam into the starboard flank of the Reckoning, shattering timbers. Draco shakes his walking stick at Rhyll as the ships veer close by one another.

The Reckoning's return fire, a withering blast, shatters the Firewing's mizzen, and the once-proud pirate vessel appears to be limping now. Another blast like that and she could well sink.

Rhyll shouts, "Fine shooting men! We'll see the Firewing down to the bottom for sure this day!"

Candra, her Urag sword in her fist, calls to Rhyll, "Will we board them now, my captain?"

Rhyll says, "Easy Candra, it will take some time before we're able to move close enough to board--and by then I'm hoping to get another shot off!"

The two vessels drift apart, angling for another volley.

Seeing the shattered mast fall aboard the Firewing, Dacien lets out a roar and claps Talon hard on the back, "We've get her on the ropes now!"

Koster shouts to Dacien, "One o'the starboard scorps just broke, Mister Dacien!"

Dacien scowls at the broken weapon, "It's a small price to pay for the victory, but it's bad luck fer sure." He grabs Koster by the shoulder, "Move to the forward weapons and help the younger lads, will ye Koster? And send one o'them below t'help Ayrn if there's one t'spare."

Koster nods. He looks terrified, but he slinks off to help.

Dacien leans close to Talon, "Koster's a lazy bastard, but he's got a good eye on a scorpion."

Talon replies, "Well in a battle like this I guess that makes up for a bit of loafing."

The Firewing's crew, battered and bloodied, seem defiant and eager to get at the Reckoning. The larger vessel turns starboard now, ignoring the sinking Renegade.

Baj calls down to the weapons deck, "Good shooting, lads! Reload and get ready to do it again! An extra barrel of wine to the side that sends Draco to the bottom!"

Tully grins. He wipes sweat from his eyes. "Y'hear that, lads, an extra ration for us!"

Rhyll calls to Revas, "Bring her in again for another volley,  Master Revas."

The Firewing is now barely visible in the morning dimness.

To port of the Reckoning, the Renegade gives up a last gasp and slides beneath the surface.

Baj calls down to the weapons deck, "Ready the starboard broadside, Mister Nettleburr!"

The Reckoning's crew ready themselves for the next encounter. The decks are cleared, weapons loaded and aimed, the wounded moved to a safe place. Benning tends and cleans the bodies of the fallen. The two ships circle, hoping to score a broadside that will send the other to the bottom.

Rhyll calls, "Let see if we can sink them this time around, Mister Mirko!"

Baj grins and bares his canines, "It would give me great pleasure, Captain.

Dacien peers out an open port and echoes the command, "Okay, boys, let's finish her this time. Fire!"

Two bolts thud into the Reckoning.

Revas gives a gasp as the giant bolt rips through his midsection, but he still grips the wheel. The massive bolt has actually pierced the ship's wheel and quivers there, jamming the works. Revas' blood spills over it.

Baj jumps for the old man and pulls him free of the bolt, "Captain! Mister Revas is hit!"

Rhyll runs to his old mentor's side and grabs the wheel., then yells "Get Benning up here now!"

The Firewing has developed a list to her starboard side as she circles. Her rudder isn't answering well.

Baj roars for the healer, "Benning!!!" Lowering the ancient helmsman gently to the deck, Baj grabs the bolt piercing the wheel and heaves against it, muscles bunching across his broad shoulders.

Benning, his white robes now stained with blood, hurries to the quarterdeck, lifting Revas in his arms and moving him to shelter.

Rhyll says to Revas, with worry in his voice, "Hold on my old friend, Benning will heal you up in no time."

Raven joins Baj and the two strain to tear the projectile loose. The bolt comes free easily.

Rhyll leaps to Revas' post, gripping the wheel and turning the great ship for another broadside on the Firewing.

The Reckoning is a tough old fish. Her wheel and rudder seem undamaged by the bolts.

Dacien races about the weapon deck, slapping shoulders and shaking hands, "She's going down, mates, she's headed fer the bottom this day! Reload one more time and we'll finish her fer sure!"

The Firewing, shattered now, is still fighting as the sun peers over the eastern horizon, the first ray of golden sunshine beaming over both ships.

Rhyll, determined, spins the wheel and brings the Reckoning's port flank across the prow of the Firewing. She's crossed the T!

The Reckoning's crew cheer as they realize where Rhyll has steered them. They can give their foe a full broadside with  impunity.

The port weapons fire. The front of the Firewing shatters, timbers flying, and the great ship's prow dips below the surface, her forward movement halting. As the sun rises, Draco's proud pirate crew realize their vessel is doomed.

Tully cheers. "Port side! Where's that barrel of wine, Mister Mirko!"

Dacien crows loudly into the rising sun, "Who's cock o'the walk now, Draco?!?!"

Candra and Erris look disappointed that they didn't get to board the enemy.

Baj yells down to the weapon deck, "I will pour the first round myself, lad!"

Rhyll stares over the wheel, glowering at the sinking Firewing, as the Reckoning's crew cheer and celebrate.

Baj turns back to Rhyll with a glance toward Revas, his eyes dark as he speaks for only the captain's ears, "Do we finish them or collect survivors, sir?"

The Firewing's crew are mostly leaping into the green sea now, scrabbling for something to float on. But not Draco. With Kugg and some of his other crew, he makes his way calmly to one of the longboats, which is lowered quickly into the water.

Raven says, "They're pirates, not bluecoats, Baj. Isn't there a code among Free Men, still?"

The once-proud foe has rolled over on to her starboard side now, showing her big belly. Her crew hurry to get clear, some in the water kicking free, some still clinging to the hulk.

"Mercy, Reckoning!" some of them call.

The longboat with Draco and his officers is swept free of the wreckage, but the longboat would clearly not be able to get away from the larger ship.

Baj sighs, "No Free Man worth the name would conspire with the Dark Ones. Draco has shown no honor this day and deserves none in return." His shoulders droop and he exhales strongly, "But it is our honor that will be remembered if we tarnish it this day. You are correct, Captain."

Rhyll replies, "I see Draco doesn't go down with his ship. Let's pick up the survirors, then we'll swing by the Nedri vessel as well."

Baj nods. "Aye-aye, Captain."

Erris calls, "Let's take the fat man prisoner, skip'r! Been a while since we used the plank!"

Rhyll replies, "Aye, I'd not have Draco wandering around unaccounted for."

Baj calls down to the weapons deck, "All hands on deck, make ready to receive survivors!"

As Dacien pops up onto the deck, Baj calls down, "Two longboats out, Dacien, gather as many as you can of those that'll take the Oath."

Dacien nods and begins to pick oarsmen for the job.

Rhyll looks down from the rail at Draco and says, "See what comes of joining leagues with the blood suckers, Draco?"

Dacien and crew lower the two longboats and row out to collect survivors minus weapons.

About thirty heads bob up and down in the water, still kicking, a soaked and furious lot of Yandar buccaneers.  Draco floats alongside with half a dozen of his officers, including the mage Masryn and the Urag Kugg. As the Reckoning pulls alongside, he stands up. "Well, you've won, Rhyll. I suppose you're proud of yourself."

Draco says, "You've made quite an enemy of the Cold Ones, Rhyll. I shouldn't be surprised if they do show up again."

Rhyll replies, "Then it will be a grave day for them indeed."

Baj looks over the side at the defeated Draco and laughs down at him, "The likes of you are no challenge, old man, we need some stronger foes to fight."

Rhyll continues with, "So are you and your officers ready to surrender or are you planning on sailing home in that?"

Draco grumbles. Then he throws back his head and bellows laughter. "Oh very well,  Captain Rhyll. We surrender. I trust your accomodations are clean?" He laughs again.

"I hope you don't mind chains,"  Rhyll laughs.

Draco says, "Chains? I give you my parole, sir, and I offer you my sword."

Kell, Erris and Candra are the first to volunter for the longboats. Erris paddles slowly across to where the survivors bob.

The longboats make quick work of gathering survivors and the odd bit of floating loot, making sure to stay well clear of the foundering Firewing.

Erris stands up in the longboat. "Cap'n Rhyll, in his mercy, offers you a choice. Be sworn the Oath or take yer chances with the sharks." There is a long moment. "Speak up, we haven't got all day."

Twelve of the Firewing's crew nod and consent to Erris' offer. One of the twenty or so others sneers to the redhead, "Climb your thumb, ginger."

Those hands who would be sworn are hoisted into the Reckoning's boats, gratefully. The others float free, defiant. A long way from home, jettisoned in barely charted waters, their odds are not good.

Dacien calls to the floating buccaneers as the longboats turn back. "Have fun with the Gholibins, boys!"

Ferlan and Farlan, both bandaged, laugh alongside Dacien.

Baj turns to Almira, "Master Wizard, can we count on your assistance in watching over the prisoner mage?"

Almira says, "Indeed, sir. I will devise a captivity for him."

Baj bows deeply, extending his hands in the Dhaziri custom, "May your wine be always sweet, may your flocks ever increase, may your wives be ever fruitful."

Almira looks impressed. "There is more to you than meets the eye, Baj Mirko."

Baj smiles a broad smile, "I delight in your company, good sir, and few things give me more pleasure than to bring a smile to a shipmate. Especially one who is further from his home than I from my own."

Kugg rows Draco's own longboat to the side of the Reckoning, and his officers--six in all--fasten the Reckoning's rope ladder to their boat so Draco can climb it first.

Rhyll smiles, "Let's give Captain Draco a fitting welcome. When he gets on board clap him in irons for the trouble he has caused."

Draco climbs the ladder, his walking stick lost when his vessel sank.

Izmeralda appears on deck, watching the proceeding as the prisoners are taken.

The crew of the Reckoning renders no honors as Draco boards the ship. Even as a prisoner, honors would be given to an enemy captain. Without a ship, Draco is no longer a captain and the crew knows he will rue the reminder.

Draco is all smirks as the manacles are clapped on his wrists. Kugg stares stonily at Rhyll as his chains are locked. Masryn, for his turn, looks sly, like he's considering making a deal. The others accept their lots in sullen slience.

Rhyll faces the former officers and says, "Consider this a mercy, for we all know had the tables been turned there would be no quarter given."

Draco says, "Yes, yes. True. Tyree raised you well, Captain."

"Get them out of my sight until I've decided what to do with them next." Rhyll orders.

Candra hustles the prisoners below at the point of a boarding pike, save for Masryn.

Baj clamps a big hand on Masryn's arm, "Please, come with me, mage. I have someone who would enjoy your company."

Almira lurks near Baj, and bares his teeth at Masryn. "Let me show you my hospitality, Tol Nedran." the Dhaziri says, with an icy tone.

Baj releases the Nedri to Almira's tender mercies with a bow and a smile.

The longboats are secured and the survivors are gathered on the foredeck, guarded by Erris, Kell, and the other oarsmen.

Dacien gives a short bow to Rhyll, "Captain Rhyll, sir, the men are ready for the Oath if you'd like."

Revas staggers to his feet, his ribs bound up in white cloth. The tough old steersman will survive to battle on. He claps Rhyll on the back. "Not bad, boy..." he says  out of earshot of the crew.

Rhyll stands on the fore deck of the Reckoning and looks down on the former crew of the Firewing, "I will take your oaths now, but first let me remind all of you what lies in store for a man that breaks that oath..."